The Shadow of The Wind
I actually read a book yesterday. It's been a long time since I finished a book, I have to get used to it sooner or later. The one I finished was The Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I liked it a lot, probably because it's a book that catches you off-guard. It's filled with impeccable details of chained actions from a long past and its relations to the strangers of the future. To be honest, I can't say I loved it, it's just not my kind of a book. Although, I recognized its brilliance and admit that it's a book worth reading, it's a best seller after all.
Usually, you can always guess the ending of a book or a story. But this book is something else, you can't simply make it yours and think that you will know the ending of the story. It's Carlos's story and he clearly made the story and the world within under his control. I can never guess what's going to happen next, because there are so many components of the book, so many unpredictable characters which bends the story bigger and bigger than it should be. Everything is connected in the end and the puzzle pieces will make one whole big colorful painting to show. That's all I can say. You need to read it yourself.
Also, the next post will probably be about Ai Yazawa. I read her other manga series yesterday and was completely blown away.
Until next time,
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