Unpredictability and The Upcoming Host Movie!

I'm always afraid to think about the problems i'm facing. To be honest, i'm afraid to where those problems would lead, rather than the problems themselves. It's really hard to see way ahead, because i never know what will happen. Everything is so unpredictable. That's it, that's what i'm actually afraid of, unpredictability.

My mother has to take a different chemotherapy drug since the chemo drug before didn't show much progress. So the chemotherapies will be start over to the count of one. Each chemotherapy will have 2 sessions since the drug has stronger effects on mom, it has to be slown down a bit. And this drug is more expensive than before. It looks to me that the conditions are going downhill, but i can't even bring myself to think about it way ahead. I'm to afraid of the unpredictability. I hope for your prayers.

On a different matter, i am really excited about my favorite stephenie meyer's book, The Host, because it will be on the big screen March 2013. It's really exciting and i can't wait to watch it. I love how the book was written by stephenie. It turns science fiction into something more dramatic and intriguing for people who don't like science fictions. Also, people are always interested in studying the meaning and the worth of our humanity. And the book has done a wonderful job at describing humanity because of the contrast of the reality where humanity is supposed to be at lost when the parasitic aliens came to invade. I'm going to tell you all about it in my next post if i ever have the time.

See ya later,


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